Whilst we have a whole page dedicated to answering your questions, there's a lot to wade through, so I thought I'd create a post dedicated to those questions that may be hold you back from getting in touch.
I never like myself in photos, will this work for me?
Many women feel they like the idea of beautiful boudoir portraits, but it's something they simply can't attain. This is exactly why we specialise in body confidence boudoir - precisely to show women who believe they can simply never look good in photos that they absolutely can.
Even if they've never liked a single photo of themselves.
Even if they usually hide from the mirror and the camera.
We're here to give you the confidence to come along and flip your perspective on how you look, and we have a firm belief that every woman has the right to feel comfortable, and confident, in their own skin.
Will this work for you? Absolutely!
I don't have any lingerie, what do I need to bring for my body confidence boudoir portrait session?
You must need tons of gorgeous lingerie for a boudoir session, right?
I mean, if you have tons of gorgeous lingerie, do bring it, but it's not essential. If your knicker drawer is more Bridget Jones than Honey Birdette, don't worry!
I talk you through absolutely everything that you need, and we have lots of extras and accessories you can use, too.
Everything I talk through is also in the confirmation email you receive on booking and you can even book a virtual shopping trip with me, to make sure you're on the right track.(Working to your budget).
Quite often, when I'm talking to women about what to bring, they can't remember the last time they were fitted for a bra, so, if nothing else, it's a good excuse to treat yourself to lingerie that fits well.
Want to know the bare minimum you need?
One matching bra and knicker set*
One pair brazilian cut knickers (no idea what these are? There is a picture of them in the lingerie guide we send you - you can't go wrong).
One other change of lingerie (another set, a basque, babydoll, or corset).
(*If the bra and knickers are the same colour, that counts as a matching set in this building!).
I'm nervous, is that normal?
Well, let me put it this way - when you arrive, I'll come and greet you at your car. Not because I'm super friendly, just to stop you driving off again. So, yes, being nervous is very, very normal.
We know that you're taking a huge step outside of your comfort zone in coming along to us, so everything we do is geared up to accommodate for, and settle, your nerves.
The good news is you won't find your portrait session to be anywhere near as nerve-wracking as you think, and you'l leave us feeling that high that comes from doing something that you weren't quite sure you could.
Will my images be seen by other people?
Your images are private and personal and will not be shared by us without your permission.
The default position for all of our portrait sessions is that images will not be shared. We are extremely grateful that many of our clients do give permission, and it's those images that you see on our website and social media.
I hope I've answered your most pressing questions, but if you want to ask me anything at all about your body confidence portrait session, just fill in the form below and I'll be right in touch.
Much love,
Anna Smart
Your new best friend when it comes to body confidence
Call - 01993 210081
Email - anna@smartphotography.co.uk
I love the mermaid outfit. I think it's brave of these women to have their photos taken. The ones I've seen so far look fabulous. Thanks for the FAQs.
We should all have mermaid outfits! It's so fab xx
A really heart warming FAQ … really get a feel for how at ease you will put people.
Thank you, Sarupa, I think it's really important to know that it's genuinely ok to not be feeling super-confident, and it's also ok to say so xx